Buh-Bye, Bed Head!

Dreaded “bed head” usually comes from sleeping on wet hair, wearing bands to bed or tossing and turning all night. No need to hide under the covers. Never again leave the house looking like you stuck your finger in an electric socket!

Prevent the Poofies
Bed head is easier to prevent than fix. It’s best to wash hair so it has time to dry before you hit the sack. If you blow-dry, don’t put your head on the pillow while hair is warm -- that can set it in ways you don’t want. And no gels, mousses or sprays before bed.

Still All Sticky-uppy?
If you’ve taken the above advice and still look like an anime character, here are some in-a-flash fixes.…

Quick Fix No. 1 Shower in the a.m. and wash away all traces of hair-gone-wild. Style and step out looking awesome as usual.

Quick Fix No. 2 No time to shower? Lightly mist hair with a spray bottle of H2O, combing through with fingers. Brush then style as you blow-dry. Use a detangling product if necessary but don’t overdo it. Hair will look greasy, and that’s even worse than bed head.

Quick Fix No. 3 Put hair up, using one of the following techniques: 

  • Butterfly clips Sweep hair back as if you’re making a ponytail, then twist it up and clamp on the clip. Keep it loose and casual. A few wisps of hair hanging on either side of your face look soft and pretty.
  • Chunky headband If you only need to tame the front, this is quick and easy.
  • Ponytail, anyone? Stay away from thin elastic hair ties. Those leave marks and can break hair. Think thick bands!
  • Try a high pony Pull hair on top of your head and secure it with a ponytail holder. Some girls call this a “pineapple.” So cute!

Quick Fix No. 4 Break out the straightening iron but be careful. You could burn yourself (yikes!) or singe your locks, leading to many more bad hair days. Go for product with zero alcohol before using the iron. A spritz of hairspray after straightening sets the look.

Your bed head prob is chronic? A great stylist can give you a cut and recommendations to make messy morning hair a thing of the past!

Go With the Flow

My period doesn’t come at the same time every month. What’s wrong with me?
For the first two years, an irregular cycle is totally normal. Think of it as your body “warming up.” Stress plays a part in regularity, too. School pressure, parental probs, guy issues -- all of it affects your cycle. Excessive exercisers or girls with eating disorders can also experience interruptions in menstruation, so if this is you, talk to your doc about it.

I’m bloated! Is there a way to reduce the puffiness in my paunch?
It's a total bummer of menstruation to retain fluid. It’s actually caused by hormones, not because of what you're drinking. Your best defense is to down six to eight glasses of water a day to flush out the fluids. And avoid food that's processed or made with tons of salt, which adds to water retention.

What's the best plan of attack for killer cramps?
Cramps happen because your uterus is contracting before and during menstruation. You could try taking a steamy bath or drinking hot tea to warm your insides. Heating pads feel really good, too. Exercise is a good remedy for some girls, so take a yoga class or go for a stroll. And ibuprofen is an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory med that works magic.

Do periods have an odor?
Once you get your period, there’s a lot going on…and a lot coming out of you. Menstruation does produce a slight smell, but it's natural, and it's not bad or offensive. If you wear a pad, the smell might be a little more noticeable because the blood is collecting outside your body -- so remember to change it often. Tampons are inserted inside your body, which reduces the smell.

Is using a tampon tricky at all?
Inserting tampons isn't as tricky as you might think. Inside the box of tampons, you’ll find step-by-step instructions with pictures -- give it a quick read. Then trust yourself. And take it slow. No need to rush, right? Gently insert the tampon, angling it toward the small of your back (your vagina is not straight up and down). If you feel like you can't get it in, take a breath, relax and try again. You’ll be a pro before you know it.